Renting a home means making a place to live for your entire family. If this includes a pet, you need to take their needs into account just as much as anyone else’s. 
In many cases, you have to disclose to landlords whether you own animals. Doing so allows property owners to take steps to safeguard the property from pet damage. One of their requirements might be for you to get renters insurance. If you do get this coverage, make sure it takes your pet into account.
Renters Insurance Pet Coverage
Furry friends pose risks to homes. They don’t always keep the place in pristine condition, after all. Pets can cause damage to property belonging to others. They can also harm other people.
Should a pet cause damage, your renters insurance might come in handy. Most policies contain liability protection. This coverage can protect renters in case they or someone in their homes cause injury or property damage to someone else. This might include damage or injuries inflicted by pets.
Let’s say, for example, that your normally-docile pet bites your landlord. It’s a nightmare scenario, that’s for sure. Your landlord might sustain an injury that requires treatment. As a result, they might request to file a claim against your liability policy to help them pay for their own losses. Should the claim go through, the landlord can receive help with their medical needs.
Expanding Liability Protection to Pets
Some renters’ insurance policies automatically cover pet damages. However, this doesn’t mean all policies will do that. So, ask your insurance agent how, if at all, your policy addresses pet liabilities.
In some cases, policies might only cover certain breeds of animals. Because certain breeds might pose higher damage risks, policies might exclude them. Therefore, check to see if your policy includes coverage for the breed you own. Make sure the policy’s limits will also extend enough coverage to typical pet damage. You can’t get very far without adequate policy limits.
If your renters policy does not cover your pet, consider enhanced coverage. In this day and age, you might have to get a more specific pet liability policy to cover your furry family member. For example, this coverage might extend to breeds excluded by standard renters insurance.
Ask your landlord if they require notification or other information about pets in the home. Then, call your renters insurance agent at 844.926.0860. They can likely help you enroll in renters insurance, or another policy, to your benefit.